A Victorian themed weekend of free entertainment will hit Lowestoft this weekend.

The Seagull Theatre will take the town back to the Victorian era for an 1880s themed weekend that will be showcased on September 10/11.

Working in conjunction with East Suffolk Council and Historic England, and following on from its highly successful 1940s weekend in July, a second themed weekend will be showcased on September 10/11.

The theatre will be taking the town back to the Victorian era with a 1880s themed weekend as part of the cultural programme for the Lowestoft Heritage Action Zones.

The event will also form part of the Heritage Open Days festival which will see more than 120 free-to-enjoy events and activities running throughout the town.

Spread throughout the high street area, a free weekend of entertainment and fun will see a programme of events held on Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 3pm.

Lowestoft Journal: The 1880s weekend programme in Lowestoft.The 1880s weekend programme in Lowestoft. (Image: Seagull Theatre)

A spokesman said: "Over the course of two days our staff and volunteers will be bringing a range of exciting performances and activities to the High Street."

A range of Victorian characters will be appearing - including famous architect John Louth Clemence who designed many buildings in the town.

"You can also meet the Victorian detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend Doctor Watson as they attempt to solve a mystery," the spokesman added.

A Victorian magician will amaze passers by, while a Victorian Time Traveller will be in Globe Inn complete with time machine.

The Grit arts centre on Old Nelson Street will host a fun craft fair, while there will also be three performance areas throughout the weekend where you can hear musical performances inspired by the period.

With a Flea Circus, scavenger hunt and costumed characters, the spokesman added: "The whole event is entirely free to visit."