As many as 11 drivers have faced police action after they were banned from a retail park over loud exhausts and their anti-social manner of driving.

The ban at Lowestoft's Gateway Retail Park came in to force on August 25, when officers put a community protection warning notice (CPWN) in place, meaning drivers should only use the car park for a genuine reason such as attending the gym or visiting the shops.

Since the notice was put in place four section 59 warnings have been issued to drivers for anti-social driving of a motor vehicle.

Seven community protection warning notices have also been issued to drivers who have breached the ban.

Those drivers could now be arrested if they commit further offences.

A Lowestoft police spokesman said in a Facebook post: "I bet you all thought that old fun sponge has forgotten about anti-social vehicles, not a chance.

"Another CPWN dished out today in relation to Gateway Retail Park, I also have several others to distribute on my travels.

"So if you hear someone knock knock knocking or your door or someone ringing your bell it’s probably not the People's Postcode Lottery It’s the fun sponge with a CPWN surprise."

It comes as police in Lowestoft have been fighting an ongoing battle with those driving inconsiderately in the town, with a number of cars seized and tens of drivers reported.