A couple were left "shocked" after discovering a dead porpoise while walking their dog along a beach.

Gavin Palmer, 57, was walking Winnie with his partner at Covehithe beach on Wednesday morning when he spotted something ahead. 

"We noticed what we thought was a dead seal washed up on the shore", Mr Palmer said.

The porpoise body that was discovered (Image: Gavin Palmer)

"We went up to have a look and realised that it was in fact a porpoise.

"We were saddened but quite amazed to see the porpoise, it just goes to show they are along the Suffolk coast."

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After getting closer the couple noticed that the animal looked "a bit bloated and something had eaten its tail" suggesting it had been there for a few days.

Mr Palmer added: ''I've seen lots over the years fishing but never one washed up, I was a bit shocked."

Harbour porpoises are commonly mistaken for dolphins but they do not have the same elongated beaks and their dorsal fins are triangular rather than curved.