A community centre that provides essential support for vulnerable families has been burgled.

At 11.30pm on Thursday night there was a break-in at Bloodmoor Hill Community Centre in Carlton Colville, near Lowestoft.

It saw the offender or offenders force their way through a set of double doors and steal the centre's fire extinguishers and first aid kit.

The door that thieves used to gain entry The door that thieves used to gain entry (Image: Sharon Lord)

Russell Lord, who is project coordinator for the centre, said: “I can’t fathom why.

“They could have taken food, clothing or equipment, instead they took the fire extinguishers and first aid kit.

“I had to replace them straight away for the insurance.

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Unfortunately, this is the second time that Bloodmoor Community Centre has been broken into.

Mr Lord said: “Last time, we knew it was just kids.

“They broke in and let the fire extinguishers off outside.

“This time was different, someone wanted them for a reason.

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“The man who came to fix the door said that the thieves knew what they were doing, he could tell by the way they had broken in.

The doors that the thieves used to gain entry The damage caused by the thieves (Image: Sharon Lord)

The break-in has cost the community centre over £550.

Mr Lord has set up a JustGiving page which has reached £650 so far.

The money will go towards replacing the stolen items and getting “some extra security measures, including indoor cameras, to stop this happening again” said Mr Lord.

He said: “It hasn’t stopped us, we were up and running again the next day.

“The community have been so supportive.

“I had ordered a new sign from Vinyl Installation Ltd before the break-in, when they heard about what happened they gave it to us for free.

Russel Lord with the new sign Russell Lord with the new sign (Image: Bloodmoor Hill community centre)

The police have issued the centre with a crime number, but Mr Lord said "nothing has been done yet."

A reward is being offered by the centre for information that results in an arrest or conviction.