A man who smashed a glass over a homeless man's head in a "completely unproved attack" has been jailed.

Crag Johnson, of no fixed address, appeared at Ipswich Crown Court after the violent assault in Lowestoft.

Occurring in the early hours of the morning on May 15, the court heard Johnson approached the 56-year-old victim and his friend asking for drugs.

The victim replied saying they didn't have any when Johnson walked off.

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Returning a short time later, Johnson found the victim and his friend in a doorway in London Road North.

The 35-year-old became violent and began swearing at the victim before smashing a glass over his head, leading to three lacerations to the side of his skull.

Emergency services quickly attended the scene where Johnson was arrested.

During his custody he threatened officers, saying to one: "I'll glass you as well".

Johnson was charged with wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, which he pleaded not guilty to, but he admitted causing grievous bodily harm without intent and the court accepted this plea.

Appearing at Ipswich Crown Court on Wednesday 26 June, he was sentenced to 13 months in prison

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After the sentencing Detective Constable Ian McBrearty, of East CID in Lowestoft, said: “This was a completely unprovoked attack on a vulnerable man who was homeless at the time of the incident.

“The victim sustained three nasty cuts to his head and it is both fortunate and by pure chance he wasn’t more seriously injured.

"He has now been left fearing for his safety when in the town centre.

“Craig Johnson admitted to being intoxicated at the time of the incident and was receiving treatment for alcoholism.

"Although he denied intending to cause serious harm to the victim, it is extremely dangerous to hit someone with a glass and Johnson is now facing the consequences of his actions.”