Police received more than 100 complaints about taxi drivers driving dangerously, using their phones, and speeding in four towns over a five-year period.

A Freedom of Information request to East Suffolk Council revealed the figures relating to Beccles, Bungay, Halesworth and Lowestoft from January 2019 and March 21, 2024.

The council says it didn't have data for each individual town, but instead, the local authority did them as a collective area as a whole.

It showed there 101 reports to the police for dangerous driving, using their phones, and speeding.

The data showed five taxi drivers had their licence revoked and three had their licence suspended for those offences.

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East Suffolk Council added that it had issued 130 written warnings to drivers for dangerous driving.

Data for complaints made about taxi drivers to East Suffolk Council on journies in and around Bungay, Beccles, Halesworth and LowestoftData for complaints made about taxi drivers to East Suffolk Council on journeys in and around Bungay, Beccles, Halesworth and Lowestoft (Image: East Suffolk Council)

The council explained that dangerous driving "includes general complaints of driving as well as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, excess speed and use of handheld devices".

There were four occasions when drivers were reported to police for "uncivil behaviour" which was defined as "abusive and rudeness behaviour".

Additionally, there were four revocations of licences for such behaviour, one suspension of a licence, two verbal warnings and 20 written warnings issued.

READ MORE: REVEALED: Full story of extraordinary six-year taxi vendetta… and how it ended

There were four official complaints lodged to the council about overcharging, though there was insufficient evidence to substantiate these.

Police also were informed of reports of an unlicensed taxi driver, while East Suffolk Council issued one written warning and had insufficient evidence to pursue five other reports of an unlicensed taxi driver.

The data included two reports of a driver vaping.

A council statement added: "Smoking in vehicles is referred to the Environmental protection team and we have no data to define if these relate to licensed taxi drivers. We have however included data for vaping inside licensed vehicles."