Investigations are continuing after a man in his 20s was arrested on suspicion of possessing firearms with intent.

Traffic was temporarily stopped on the bascule bridge in Lowestoft as armed officers responded to reports that a man was allegedly "running about with a loaded gun".

It led to a police van, around six police cars and the armed officers being called to the bascule bridge/Station Square area of Lowestoft at about 8pm on Friday, September 1.

Witnesses described that a man was "running about with a loaded gun" not far from the approach to the town centre.

With the armed response and numerous police officers alerted the alleged weapon was seized as a man in his 20s was arrested.

The bascule bridge in Lowestoft. Picture: NewsquestThe bascule bridge in Lowestoft. Picture: Newsquest (Image: ©archant2017)

He was subsequently bailed to return to Lowestoft police station on November 25.

At the time, a police spokesman said: "A 23-year-old male arrested on suspicion of possession of firearms with intent and possession of Class B or C drugs was arrested and released on bail pending further enquiries."

This week, almost 10 months on from the incident, police said that "enquiries are ongoing."