The construction of a new 'garden village', complete with more than 1,300 homes, a school and a retirement complex, has moved a step closer.

Developers want to build the community - the first of its kind in the area - near the A47, on farmland on the northern outskirts of Lowestoft.

Lowestoft Journal: The Corton village sign. Picture: Mick HowesThe Corton village sign. Picture: Mick Howes (Image: Mick Howes)

Most of the land, between the A47 and the village of Corton, is owned by Suffolk County Council (SCC), which is behind the plans.

New details about the scheme - which was first mooted in 2020 - have emerged in documents submitted to East Suffolk Council by consultants working on behalf of SCC.

Lowestoft Journal: An aerial photograph of the proposed North of Lowestoft Garden Village. Picture: aerial photograph of the proposed North of Lowestoft Garden Village. Picture: (Image:

The village would be built on 91 hectares, 71 of which are currently used for farming but which are allocated for development in the area's local plan.

The rest of the 20 hectares are already designated as 'Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace' (Sang), which means they should be used for public recreation.

Lowestoft Journal: The Masterplan framework earmarked for the North of Lowestoft Garden Village in Lowestoft. Picture: Masterplan framework earmarked for the North of Lowestoft Garden Village in Lowestoft. Picture: (Image:

Officials say the scheme is "designed using garden city principles with significant amounts of landscaping, tree planting and green infrastructure".

Lowestoft Journal: Signage on the approach to Corton. Picture: Mick HowesSignage on the approach to Corton. Picture: Mick Howes (Image: Mick Howes)

The plans are split into two phases.

Lowestoft Journal: The phase one habitat plan earmarked for the North of Lowestoft Garden Village in Lowestoft. Picture: phase one habitat plan earmarked for the North of Lowestoft Garden Village in Lowestoft. Picture: (Image:

One covers 11 hectares and includes 100 homes.

The other, over 80 hectares, would be for up to 1,200 dwellings, of which 30pc will be classified as affordable.

Lowestoft Journal: A visualisation of the garden village on the North Of Lowestoft consultation website. Picture: visualisation of the garden village on the North Of Lowestoft consultation website. Picture: (Image:

This phase will also include a retirement community, up to eight hectares of employment space, a primary school, including pre-school, a community centre and play area.

Plans for the new village were earmarked in 2020, with a website later unveiled and two public consultations held in 2021 and 2022, seeking views on the scheme.

Lowestoft Journal: Indicative plans earmarked for the North Of Lowestoft garden village. Picture: plans earmarked for the North Of Lowestoft garden village. Picture: (Image:

Before the two planning applications for the North of Lowestoft Garden Village are lodged, Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd has submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Report to East Suffolk Council on behalf of the county council.

Lowestoft Journal: A visualisation of the garden village on the North Of Lowestoft consultation website. Picture: visualisation of the garden village on the North Of Lowestoft consultation website. Picture: (Image: