The first Scout group to start a colony of Beavers in the Lowestoft area is soon to celebrate its 40th birthday.

And to mark the occasion, stories and memories are being sought from any of the boys who were present in this photograph from the first birthday party back in March 1984.

1st Carlton Colville Air Scouts was the pilot group for Beaver Scouts in Lowestoft, with other groups being formed soon after.

Now with their 40th anniversary approaching the group plans to hold a birthday party on March 9 - and they are hoping to hear from any of the boys who were present at this first birthday party.

Emma Castleton, Beaver Leader at 1st Carlton Colville Air Scouts Beavers, said: "Saturday, March 9 1984, is 40 years to the exact day that our group held the very first Beaver meeting.

"We were the first group in Lowestoft to start a colony, and Beavers has been a real success story.

"We are holding a celebration party for all sections, as a lot of Cubs and Scouts have been Beavers."

Veronica Duff - also in this photo - is still active within the group acting as Group Scout Leader.

Ms Castleton added: "We would love to hear from any of the boys - girls joined in subsequent years - who were there at the start."

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