Police are warning businesses in Southwold and the surrounding area to remain vigilant following a string of burglaries over the past two weeks. 

At least nine burglaries and attempted burglaries have been reported since September 12: seven incidents were in Southwold; one was in Wenhaston; and one in Westleton.

Most of the burglaries have been from sheds and outbuildings, and among the items stolen included electric bikes, power tools and cash. 

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Two Southwold businesses were also the subject of attempted burglaries - one of which was successful.

A Suffolk police spokesman said the force has increased the number of patrols happening in the area.

Police are asking that members of the public stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity they may witness. 

They have also recommended businesses increase their security and ask residents to check that their sheds and outbuildings are secure to prevent further break-ins.