A corner shop has been shut down after a joint operation uncovered illegal tobacco products.

Suffolk police officers joined HMRC investigators and Suffolk County Council Trading Standards in visiting a store in North Lowestoft on Thursday (February 9).

Following an inspection of the London Road North business, a large amount of counterfeit and illicit tobacco products were found.

Lowestoft Journal: A large amount of illicit tobacco was uncovered in the operationA large amount of illicit tobacco was uncovered in the operation (Image: Lowestoft Police)

The shop has since been closed indefinitely after a closure notice was issued. 

Lowestoft Journal: Bargain Point in London Road North, Lowestoft, has been closed indefinitely after illicit tobacco was found Bargain Point in London Road North, Lowestoft, has been closed indefinitely after illicit tobacco was found (Image: Lowestoft Police)

A Suffolk County Council Trading Standards spokeswoman said: “We are pleased that yesterday’s operation in Lowestoft proved such a success and would like to thank our partners at HMRC and the police for their ongoing efforts to help us rid Suffolk of illegal tobacco trading.

“This is far from being a victimless offence as illegal tobacco may contain harmful substances and has links to organised crime, with this often being the gateway into county lines and the drug supply chain.

“Everyone can play their part in keeping illegal tobacco off the streets by reporting this in confidence to put pressure on those who continue to sell it.” 

Attempts have been made to contact the store owner.