Views are being sought as a vision shaping the future development, growth and regeneration of a coastal town is launched.

A six-week public consultation on Lowestoft’s Neighbourhood Development Plan is under way.

The consultation, which is open until Tuesday, March 7, is asking people to submit comments on a wide range of policies that have been created to form the plan.

With Lowestoft Town Council designating the whole of the parish area to produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan for, it is a framework for development and regeneration of Britain's most easterly town.

A 21st-century mixed use waterfront, heritage-led regeneration and a balanced community - with a range of facilities and housing - are among the "aims for the Neighbourhood Plan."

A town council spokesman said: "These policies have been strongly influenced by an initial consultation by the town council to find out what the people of Lowestoft think is good and bad about the town."

With the Lowestoft Neighbourhood Plan to "form part of the statutory development plan for the area," together with the Waveney Local Plan, it "will be adopted by referendum and will set policies for the town for the next 15 years," according to the town council.

It states: "Our vision for the Lowestoft Neighbourhood Plan is to secure sustainable and high quality regeneration and economic development for Lowestoft, realising the town's potential as a vibrant and attractive place to live, work, visit and invest.

"Our aims for the Neighbourhood Plan are 21st century mixed use waterfront; confidence as the place to invest; sustainable economy, port, town, enterprise; balanced community, with range of facilities and housing; high quality environment; heritage-led regeneration; balanced and sustainable transport provision and protection of local green spaces (open spaces and parks)."

With documents now available on the town council's website, two drop-in opportunities to view and comment on the plan have also been organised on February 7, from 4pm to 6.30pm, and February 21, from 10am to noon, at Hamilton House on Battery Green Road, Lowestoft.

With people encouraged to read the plan and submit any comments on the proposed policies to the town council by March 7, visit the town council website for further details, with hard copies available at the drop-in sessions.